As usual, I couldn’t sleep. I ended up watching a classic movie called Penny Serenade. You know, black & white. Cary Grant. Some prude who never takes off her apron and always buttons her shirt to the top.
I have two words for this movie: lame.
I realize that classic movies are supposed to be the height of Hollywood glamor and awesomeness, but man, they suck. Hardcore. Total snoozefest. I’d rather watch a Matthew McConaughey chick flick. But you know what? I think I’ll keep it on my shelf so people can still think of me as one of those people who appreciates old movies. As a matter of fact, I’ll set it right next to my antique copy of War & Peace that I’m not even going to pretend that I’ve ever cracked open, which looks great right next to my vintage camera that I’ve never used.
This conversation naturally makes me think of other things that I dislike: women.
When I think back on it, women really haven’t changed all that much since elementary school, when I’d come home and burst out into the ugly cry over something a mean girl did. I was hoping that when I got past college, they would stabilize. Nope. Still crazy. Although the reasons behind the craziness may have changed with time, they are still, very much, crazy. Hating other women for no good reason. Asking their boyfriends the world’s most stupid questions. Flipping out on poor unsuspecting men. Bursting with ravenous jealousy. I can’t even count how many women I’ve been told that hate me, that have never actually talked to me.
Let’s look at a few demonstrations of female behavior over the past twenty years of my life.
[4th GRADE: the betrayals begin]
Me: Hey Annie, wanna come over tonight and we can organize our sticker collections? [Yes, we really had them]
Annie: Um, actually, I’m going to Becky’s house after school. Oh, I don’t think I told you that we had a talk and she wants to be “secret best friends” with JUST me. Isn’t that mean?
Me: Psssh! YEA! I thought we were all best friends?
Annie: Yea, but she wants to leave you out.
Me: Well you told her that was a stupid, crappy idea, right?
Annie: Well, actually…um…. we ARE secret best friends now. Just her and I.
Me: UM, so I see that our three-way best friend NECKLACES mean nothing to you! Huh? You lying, backstabbing, dirty little tramp!
[10th GRADE: the unwarranted hatred and jealousy begin]
Friend: [leaning in so close to me that I’m forced inside my locker] Amber doesn’t like you!
Me: What? Wait. Who the heck is Amber?
Friend: The girl who hangs out with Margie.
Me: I don’t even know her.
Friend: But she’s totally spreading rumors about you!
Me: What? Rumors? But why?
Friend: Well, she likes Andy. But Andy likes you.
Me: Ok. But how can I help THAT? Besides, I wouldn’t date Andy in a million bagillion years.
Friend: Well. She’s pissed. And she’s telling everyone you’re a spoiled beotch!
Me: Spoiled? That isn’t even kinda true. I work at Chuck E. Cheese and drive a 1964 Dodge?
[25 YEARS OLD: the false rumors and accusations begin]
Me: You know who I really like? Sandy. She’s so nice.
Co-worker: OH, that’s weird. Cus Sandy is not a fan of you.
Me: Not a fan?
Co-worker: I overheard her talking to someone, but I can’t say who. Anyway, she said that the boss favors you cus you got Employee of the Month again.
Me: But I out-performed everyone in the department? They would be breaking their own rules by not giving it to me.
Co-worker: Well I don’t know. That’s just what I overheard.
Me: What am I supposed to do? Suck at everything so Sandy will like me?
Co-worker: I’d try to stay on her good side if I were you. She’s telling everyone that you’re cheating on your boyfriend.
Me: WTF? I don’t even have a boyfriend.
As we can see, there is no rhyme, reason or logic going on here. And I’m not saying I hate all women. Just the ones who are ridiculous.
I have some fabulous lady friends.
Why I Hate Women Part 7 of 8,964: Mind Warp Trivia
Why I Hate Women: Part 6 of 7,893
Dear Haters, Why Do You Love Me So Much?
I was recently on a forum that my husband made for us to connect to people and learn and grow on…sort of an outlet, if you will. Well, I was reluctant to use it, wasn’t sure it was my kind of thing.
Anyway, long story short…
I began small, just made one quick comment on a thread because there was a lady on there who was in a similar life situation as me, and instead of everyone just giving their advice to the original poster…EVERYONE…everyone began attacking me and my advice. Keep in mind their advice was crap.
I wanted to let it slide, I knew that it wouldn’t end well because, well, women are catty bitches and they always (ALWAYS) are looking for someone or something to criticize. Even women on this post have to attack you when you made it very obvious how pathetic and annoying women like that are! Pathetic!
Well…I didn’t know who else would care about my hatred of other women (just the 90% that are insane and catty, of course), so I am posting here.
God bless us nice ladies!
Ok. You say EVERYONE had crap advice. In your poor screwed up head you believe you are the only one alive with good advice. Sound like a typical female to me.
100% correct, hate other women, and no ability to think objectively.
You are right and the reSt of the world is pathetic.
Sexists people are way worst than women.
it’s a funny thing that my other comments have been deleted ..why??? i guess truth hurts some people!! whom ever does the deleting on here.. GET A LIFE!!!
Why not you get a life, hateful. You’re just an asshole who post comments about hating women. Besides, the woman who posted her article here doesn’t hate all women, you dumbfuck. I’m glad they deleted your asshole comments…redneck.
You know what? Misogynists are the ones who are REALLY agressive than the bitchy women. Look at the comments here…disgusting…they are not part of us. They are sub-humans of the human race. Fuck them. They are the real dickheads.
Your impotent rantings remind me of Richard Nixons finer moments, especially when he’d had too much gin and tonic. Don’t strain yourself, we wouldn’t want to overburden that soggy grapefruit you call a brain, would we?
Guys, we live in the 21st century. Now, I understand that some of you are old, decaying, middle-aged people who probably have a hard time keeping up with the rest of the world, but misogyny is a bit outdated, don’t you think? Even for you? That shit was cool, like, 200 years ago. Now it’s just kind of unoriginal and primitive.
Let me tell you this: stereotypical female behavior is just a pet peeve in our devouring dystopia of a world. Women are not the real enemy.
Men are.
Because, hey, do you seriously wish everyone was like men? Do you seriously want more sexual objectification, rape, violence, murder, abuse, psychopathy, narcissism, bigotry, arrogance and intolerance in this world? Because that’s exactly what would happen if everyone was like men. You should be grateful for the women that know how to use their extraordinary female gifts. They gave you birth, they brought you up, they talk about their problems instead of being violent, they don’t think about sex all the time, they don’t exploit people for sex, they are more sympathetic, they take better care of people, they don’t automatically assume they’re better than you because they’re male (because they’re not, of course.) Women say mean stuff to each other because they’re insecure, but men are no better. They’re not insecure, but they have massive egos. Even the useless, fat, stupid, unattractive losers have massive egos. And everyone knows that massive egos are bad, massive egos create megalomaniacs and psychopaths, like Hitler. And committing genocides because of a small blow to the massive ego is a typical male thing to do. Women don’t do stuff like that because they’re realistic, non-violent and sympathetic. And if you seriously think some petty insults behind your back are worse than genocides, you’re a terrible human being and you should probably consider killing yourself. Freak.
You should consider this before you decide to do what everyone else is doing and criticize women. Men are no better. In fact, men are worse. You don’t see women walking around committing genocides, raping innocent people, or generally thinking about something as trivial and stupid as sex 24/7. Say all you want about sex, but spending all your time thinking about satisfying your primitive instincts/needs is just about the most pathetic way to live, ever. Think about something more intellectually stimulating, like how much men’s massive egos ruin the world and cause endless suffering, or how men are much more likely to be arrogant, intolerant bigots because of their massive egos.
Men basically consist of an uncontrollable penis and a massive ego. If women are ‘too complicated’, it’s just because they actually consist of something more, like realistic perceptions of their own self-worth, and empathy. And that’s a good thing, folks!
I’m clearly the only one of us who thinks outside the box. You’re all just a bunch of sheep who go with the flow without seeing the real problem here: men, especially straight men, and women who think they’re superior because they try to be like men.
Of course, if you’re still not convinced that women don’t suck, you could always try being a misanthrope. They get the best of both worlds. I think it would be nice if you all became misanthropes and stopped breeding so the human race would go extinct. At least you’d accomplish something more than sharing the primitive, misogynistic mentality of a caveman.
Marie, Men are inventors. All the scientific inventions and discoveries you see and use in your everyday life are invented by men. You proudly say that you live in 21st century. Actually you live in a world built by men. You travel by car and airplane, communicate through mobile phones and internet, work easily through help of technology and protected by police and army. Everything is made possible by men. If you are not happy with men and world built by them, try living in jungles and follow the jungles rule, survival of the fittest.
Men are saints, prophets, poets and life-saviors too.
Sivan Suresh…yes yes….Everything is made by men…BUT LOOK AT YOUR PRIDE. You’re a Nazi. And Nazis are too prideful, and when they are too prideful, they’re got their ass kicked by Russians. Yes, men made everything, but what men should learn is to be kind and gentle. I see that you are an Atheist, Sivan…and maybe you are an Indian Muslim. UGH! Disgusting freaks.
I support Maria, because she knows what men are.
Oh, and get this…THE WOMAN WHO POST HER DIARY HERE DOES NOT HATE WOMEN AT ALL, JUST BITCHES! And all those misogynists people started coming here and rant on how they hate women BECAUSE THEY SAW THE TITLE “WHY I HATE WOMEN: OH LET ME COUNT THE WAYS”
The author hates bitches, not all women. Read everything, Sivan.
So Sivan, you sexist misogynist scumbag, since you are an asexual woman hater…I’ll say BYE BYE I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL, FREAK! YOU ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED TO RANT ABOUT SHIT!
I replied marie, not the author.
Marie said,”Women are not the real enemy.Men are.”
“men are worse, committing genocides, raping innocent people, or generally thinking about something as trivial and stupid as sex 24/7”.
I only pointed out the achievements and contributions of men to humanity regardless of all the flaws they inherit in their nature. Look, how pissed off you are. Why are you so blinded by hatred towards men?
I’m not blind, Woman-hater. YOU are the one who insults women. So why are you blind on liking men so much than women. Yes, I’m pissed, but who cares. It was you who is blind, Sivan the misogynist.
So, bye bye Subhuman. You are not telling Marie about the flawless of men, you also insult women. Men are more brutal than women, remember that Muslim.
I am not muslim. If you are not blind then, are you a visionary, a prophetess or a telepathist?
Yes, we are brutes with massive egos, that’s why we are the most dominant species on planet earth. We kill and dominate other species (whales, elephants, tigers) who are bigger, faster and powerful than us. Our capacity to modify our environment is unparalleled.We are the only ones with the power to destroy all life on this planet, and to destroy the planet itself.
Your shaming language (subhuman, misogynist, nazi) has no effect on me. You sound childish and stupid.
Men don’t need you anymore. Cutting-edge research in the U.S. and Japan will soon launch a new era in human procreation: a world in which embryos can be “brought to term” in artificial wombs, eliminating traditional pregnancies.
Men can also find alternate source for his sexual gratification. Bye bye women. You are no more required.
And I will say, Bye bye Sivan. Have fun being the most asshole in the world. You are no longer required to be a human.
Congratulations! You have become a subhuman! Good for you, nerd.
let the racist anti-men crusaders grow fat on their own hatred. It’s not leading them anywhere, except to a house full of cats in their spinster cave. LOL
May I take the woman haters with me. LOL.
Well, that read with all the coherence of the Unabombers manifesto. It’s clear you don’t actually believe what you say, since the only people who go off on loud ridiculous tangents are trying to convince themselves of something. It’s very comparable to racists and bigots, who are trying to overcome their own deep feelings of inadequacy, and do so by going on the brutish offensive. Same with you. No doubt you’ve had some very negative experiences with men, probably in relationships, but come on honey, there are more constructive ways to vent your frustration than playing the tired Women vs. Men, Saints vs. Devils game. Like you said, it’s the 21st century. Grow up.
Heh, actually, Sammy. I yell a lot because of the misogynist comments from the previous page. I have to do it. Besides, before me, there are violent misogynist. So, I’m not the only bigot.
I sincerely hope a man like Ted Bundy finds you.
I wonder why men get so violent… ?
U think it has anything to do with women’s constant arguing, repitition, and getting stuck on unimportant worries? Do you think that picking fights with your man will end well?
I have news for you. I am a rape survivor and a man who was raped by younger man during my teenage years… you know who treated me like shit, called me fag til I attempted suicide and called me a bitch when I asked for help?
Women did that and continue to to me. My mother told me she thinks I fabricated a rape story. I guess I fabricated the ensuing creation of a savage inside and ten year comeback from homelessness. I am starting a support group for men to stand up to you abusive power starved robotic women! You’re damn right we get violent, stop starting shit ladies. Like the two college girls who punched me in the face and poured their drinks on me for saying “excuse me” to them. Haha, I’m sorry you want to get pimped in the ghetto.
Their out of control emotions make them seek out a subconsciously planted father figure, just a little more wussy than their dad’s so they can conquer them. Guess what happens to those fine young ladies… they get pimped in the ghetto by smart men who try every morning to lock their heart away and survive you evil, pain loving parasites and manipulative children.
I guess the guys were just as mean.. maybe I didn’t notice.
Probably my fault I got raped too. Ignorant.
Modern woman is a total joke. Not even fully human, really. They should be kept in a separate enclosure where they can tire each other to death, while men proudly build bigger and better machines.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha
For real.
Stick to your guns, lady! You have said out loud what I have thought for a long time. MOST, not all, but MOST women would sell other women out for a quarter, never grow out of being “mean girls” and are absolutely THE WORST BOSSES. You aren’t misogynistic. You are one of a number of women I have run into in my life who simply are aware of your own observations of other people, and not afraid to own them. There are a subset of women (and it seems like many women I”ve met in the tech world) who don’t live for their next powder puff or shoes, really HATE drama, laugh at fart jokes, and generally just don’t fit in with the idiotic “girly girl” Victoria’s Secret Pink image that pervades EVERY-thing. (If you don’t believe me, pick up a copy of “MORE” magazine, that is supposed to be aimed towards the “mature” woman in her 40s and 50s, but seems to actually be aimed at a bunch of aging, desperate sorority sisters who just CAN’T stop wearing those platform shoes). So kudos to you and ignore all the people throwing the misogynist label at you. I actually like other women, when they are intelligent and haven’t bought INTO the misogyny of the girly girl / mean girls / oo everyone has to have a baby culture.
i’m a little confused…what 4th grader uses the word tramp??
Gosh…People can be so foolish. Women are awesome ! This is coming from a man. I mean come on guys; your ideas of artificial embryos and abstinence may sound cool, but can it really take the place of the intimacy, the feeling of fulfillment that comes from staying and sharing with a woman ? Unless you’re as emotionally deep as to completely satisfy yourself talking to a blow-doll, I wouldn’t think so.
And yea, guys aren’t perfect, but we aren’t that bad either. Sure, we can be brute and untamed once in a while, but that doesn’t mean we cannot show know care. We are not as beast-like as it might seem.
The thing is that there are always examples of extremes : bitchy, dumb women who won’t shut up, and loud and noisy men who show no respect. But they’re the freaks, as the OP originally pointed out. There’s no reason to hate everyone.
As a man, it really saddens me how many of these comments from women–supposed feminists–are sexist against men. Apparently only men are racist, sexist, chauvinist, and so on. Apparently men are also somehow all “stupid” despite having invented everything in the modern world (planes, trains, cars, wheels, democracy, socialism, rockets, great works of philosophy and literature…)
Women used to be oppressed for a variety of reasons, which were extremely complex and which were not only limited to men. Males were and are physically stronger, and in the survival of the fittest type world that existed in the past this translated into a societal role for women that was less than ideal.
However, to turn around, to start calling men names, to act as if all men are the same way, is nothing more than chauvinism.
Feminism implies equality of the sexes. Some of you so-called-feminists are nothing more than sexists.
To the males and females here: be rational, for Pete’s sake. And stop hating each other so much. I can’t believe people get so passionate about gender.
Uhhhh, excuse me Gay Plato….
What cause Feminists flaming here?
The men posting sexist comments.
Read carefully, smartass.
Gay plato? That was nice. Way to prove the men right.
The older generations of comments here are extremely evil, dominated by the worst human beings who greatly despise Women.
But now, the anti-misogynists comments, the new generation, wins. We have triumph over the impure.
Really? Another delusional person riding the tide of feminist illusion? Honey , I’m a 19 year old male, and there is no difference in my generation than the previous ones, in either sex. Attitudes towards women have changed certainly, for the better, but people aren’t hardwired differently, like you imagine. There is however substantial blowback towards feminism, because it fosters so many knuckle-dragging man-haters that spew garbage similar in psychological origin to the ramblings of Klansmen and Black Panther dimwits. I go to a very liberal school in Sarasota, and even here the most staunch feminists can never find dates, because they really are pushy, self-righteous, and obnoxious in behavior.
Didn’t you read the other past comments from the previous page. Yeah…but I am not 100 percent feminist, idiot. I also hate feminist, but I also hate woman haters.
Perfectly said.
i am a STRAIGHT MAN that loves women, but finding one that is not A LOWLIFE is very hard these days. many of the women today certainly have such an ATTITUDE PROBLEM, and are very hard to start a conversation with. so meeting a GOOD STRAIGHT WOMAN TODAY, is like looking for a needle in a haystack. women today, are certainly not as EDUCATED like they were years ago. and many of them are LESBIANS anyway, adding to the problem. so how in the world can a man like me meet a good woman, since they are very DYSFUNCTIONAL now?
Another troll.
Yup, the guy who is ABSOLUTELY WRONG is just some mindless middle age fucked up old man.
I’m a 30 year old male research scientist working in cannabinoid influences in sleep, as well as their and hormones’ effects on behavior. I totally agree that women are much more aggressive and manipulative than men are and it drives men over the edge and has for centuries and is getting worse. Numbers don’t lie. If people are born the same, why do women THINK men get violent? The answer is that they seem not to have this consideration in the same sense that a male does. Let me also say I am considering having my testes removed to further my ethos.
What is most troubling in my every day facility visits and case studies is how elated and excited the women are when their men are on the verge of suicide. I can not figure this happiness out. Did you know that when a man brings a child in for psychiatric commitment, there is usually NOT a DHS investigation, but when mothers bring them in, we do more investigation about her than the child? They come in screaming at me, threatening me, calling me a creep, loser, bitch boy, everything just bc i look nice and am polite. I am also a patient genius and abuse survivor. They are abusing you, men! Don’t stand for it. You know they are wrong.
Sorry I’m not large, old, fat, dumb, or creepy. Fact is, I look exactly like Tom welling and have a 166 IQ. if any of you met me in person, you would not believe how I look or how I am in general. Am very happy and wealthy and yes I am married. My wife agrees with me and helped me out of suicidal depression. Guess what? She still is so power hungry it’s crazy and will admit it to her after you restrain her with logic. Usually takes two whole days.
I know very few men who are not in abusive relationships.
I am also a real life street hustler who is studying the mind to further my business and am finishing my PhD next year. I took me becoming a self-loving savage to keep on going through their relentless torrent of pointless, random cruelty. Thank god for my amazing wife who actually tries to see her faults as I try to see mine.
And in case any males are wondering……
IF YOU want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife
I deeply appreciate your honesty. I wish more men were honest, and would just admit they hate women. I was just thinking to myself the other day how ugly most men are. It would be so much easier putting up with their bullshit if they all looked like Chippendale dancers.
I danced there for two years and women treat me like shit just like all the rest of the men.
Misogynist are worst than women. They rant and shit a lot of how women are useless. Well, their pride and arrogance can be their downfall. They are nothing but subhumans, degenerates. Sucks to be them.
Man, this site needs to go away. Now.
Facts are offensive.
what stupid women that we have here, why don’t you go back to finish knitting your sweaters and clean the house better.
Don’t forget another gender who used to dominate the comments.
What stupid am I! I should hang myself like a filthy cunt.
Oh man! It’s good to be fucking back! I haven’t seen this site for several months now. I thought it was already taken down, but I was wrong. So, are any misogynist dumbasses coming here once this site is living again?
Oh look, I’m Sam, the enemy of Carmine. I tried to defeat him by putting insult logic into his face. I guess I’m wrong, because I’m a lousy cunty whore. I’m a man-cunt. I’m Sam who is smart, but I’m actually a man-cunt. A man-cunt.
Looking at my asshole comments, maybe I should kill myself. I’m sorry, Carmine, that I called you Cunty Carmine. Your name is not cunty, because my name is cunty.
I’m a Cunty Ryan and I don’t know shit about women nor equality. Maybe I should wither away and die because I’m a low-life cunt.
Once I’m in Heaven, I’m gonna fuck my dead grandma because I’m a cunt.
Thanks for finally talking about >Whyy I Hate Women: Oh Let Me
Count The Ways <Loved it!
Really, the people here are way off point and proving themselves to be a perfect example of the idiots mentioned in the post. Sometimes some women are purely sociopathic. Yes you heard it right. It’s just being a women labels you crazy at best or just hormonal. Squeeze all the estrogen out of these specific people and replace it with T. What do you get? A man? Course not! That’s just a sociopath with a hint of narcissism. Since almost all diagnoses for these disorders are men ( mostly). Women usually end up in the gray area. Remember as the author explains it so obviously; This is an account of some women….sorry individuals. I know some hater may try to tear this down and discredit the authors points and my points. Well they damn well miss the point! That’s the whole point of these childish crazies! They throw you off point and when you write of your personal opinion on the world wide internet…it somehow attracts all the crazies to the yard like for milk. Dear author I hope after this no deranged person shreds you to pieces even though this is old.
I was excited to see “Jurassic World” until I found out that a woman co-wrote it! yeah, seriously, they let a woman ruin it! and it didn’t get good reviews, yeah cause women cant fucking right! all they care about is respect and kindness bullshit, they think with their hearts instead of their brains like they’re supposed to, if they even have a brain inside that airhead of theirs. just fuck off and let the men write movies, at least they know what they’re doing and think with their brains instead of their hearts, you feminist whores! and what is with their head shaking every time they talk? jesus Christ, knock it off, your not a fucking bobblehead so stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it when bitches say that men are the weaker sex and that they’re stronger then men, what a fucking joke, women cant even pick up something heavy, have to have someone else do it cause they’re such pussies, and they’re the weaker sex, always were always will be, for fuck sakes, they cant even fight off a rapist, now that doesn’t sound very strong to me. they’re just stupid and annoying. do we really need em?
I agree, I have been hated on by other women who only knew me to see me…weird
I agree, I have been hated on by other women who didn’t even actually know me so can’t say women are too bright
I agree I have had other women hate me
And they only knew me to see me! So can’t say women are logical
I know… have you ever been cruelly hurt by a man for no reason? Let me guess, once? Twice?
Okay, now let’s start to remember all the women times….
Christ, like it’s even possible.
Most women out there today are such very Pathetic Losers which they have a very Serious Attitude Problem and need help very bad. Grow old with your Cats and that is the Best advice that i can give you right now.
Just look at the very horrible creatures that women are nowadays unfortunately that have no respect at all for many of us men as well as having no manners either which makes these kind of women just very disgusting losers altogether now. God forbid for many of us good innocent men trying to meet a good woman now has certainly become very extremely dangerous for us by just saying good morning or hello to these morons just to get a normal conversation going which they will be very nasty to most of us men today by mouthing off to us for no reason either. Well it is very obvious why so many of us men really hate these type of women now since at least back in the old days when most women were real ladies and very old fashioned at that time which made love very easy to find back then with no trouble. Just too many very Psycho women everywhere nowadays unfortunately that are real Feminists to begin with. And for the women that have their Careers now really think they’re all that too which they’re a real joke to begin with. And with all of these very stupid reality TV shows that they have on now and with social media which really has corrupted many of these women’s brain cells now altogether adding to the problem as well making them more evil too. A man would have to be nuts to marry one of these very pathetic women in the first place which he will be divorced in no time which the woman would win out in court most of the time unfortunately, and the man will wind up losing everything that he worked for. MGTOW is the very smart way now for many of us men which will certainly save us a lot of torture, pain, aggravation, and keep a hell of a lot of extra money in our pockets too.