As usual, I couldn’t sleep. I ended up watching a classic movie called Penny Serenade. You know, black & white. Cary Grant. Some prude who never takes off her apron and always buttons her shirt to the top.
I have two words for this movie: lame.
I realize that classic movies are supposed to be the height of Hollywood glamor and awesomeness, but man, they suck. Hardcore. Total snoozefest. I’d rather watch a Matthew McConaughey chick flick. But you know what? I think I’ll keep it on my shelf so people can still think of me as one of those people who appreciates old movies. As a matter of fact, I’ll set it right next to my antique copy of War & Peace that I’m not even going to pretend that I’ve ever cracked open, which looks great right next to my vintage camera that I’ve never used.
This conversation naturally makes me think of other things that I dislike: women.
When I think back on it, women really haven’t changed all that much since elementary school, when I’d come home and burst out into the ugly cry over something a mean girl did. I was hoping that when I got past college, they would stabilize. Nope. Still crazy. Although the reasons behind the craziness may have changed with time, they are still, very much, crazy. Hating other women for no good reason. Asking their boyfriends the world’s most stupid questions. Flipping out on poor unsuspecting men. Bursting with ravenous jealousy. I can’t even count how many women I’ve been told that hate me, that have never actually talked to me.
Let’s look at a few demonstrations of female behavior over the past twenty years of my life.
[4th GRADE: the betrayals begin]
Me: Hey Annie, wanna come over tonight and we can organize our sticker collections? [Yes, we really had them]
Annie: Um, actually, I’m going to Becky’s house after school. Oh, I don’t think I told you that we had a talk and she wants to be “secret best friends” with JUST me. Isn’t that mean?
Me: Psssh! YEA! I thought we were all best friends?
Annie: Yea, but she wants to leave you out.
Me: Well you told her that was a stupid, crappy idea, right?
Annie: Well, actually…um…. we ARE secret best friends now. Just her and I.
Me: UM, so I see that our three-way best friend NECKLACES mean nothing to you! Huh? You lying, backstabbing, dirty little tramp!
[10th GRADE: the unwarranted hatred and jealousy begin]
Friend: [leaning in so close to me that I’m forced inside my locker] Amber doesn’t like you!
Me: What? Wait. Who the heck is Amber?
Friend: The girl who hangs out with Margie.
Me: I don’t even know her.
Friend: But she’s totally spreading rumors about you!
Me: What? Rumors? But why?
Friend: Well, she likes Andy. But Andy likes you.
Me: Ok. But how can I help THAT? Besides, I wouldn’t date Andy in a million bagillion years.
Friend: Well. She’s pissed. And she’s telling everyone you’re a spoiled beotch!
Me: Spoiled? That isn’t even kinda true. I work at Chuck E. Cheese and drive a 1964 Dodge?
[25 YEARS OLD: the false rumors and accusations begin]
Me: You know who I really like? Sandy. She’s so nice.
Co-worker: OH, that’s weird. Cus Sandy is not a fan of you.
Me: Not a fan?
Co-worker: I overheard her talking to someone, but I can’t say who. Anyway, she said that the boss favors you cus you got Employee of the Month again.
Me: But I out-performed everyone in the department? They would be breaking their own rules by not giving it to me.
Co-worker: Well I don’t know. That’s just what I overheard.
Me: What am I supposed to do? Suck at everything so Sandy will like me?
Co-worker: I’d try to stay on her good side if I were you. She’s telling everyone that you’re cheating on your boyfriend.
Me: WTF? I don’t even have a boyfriend.
As we can see, there is no rhyme, reason or logic going on here. And I’m not saying I hate all women. Just the ones who are ridiculous.
I have some fabulous lady friends.
Why I Hate Women Part 7 of 8,964: Mind Warp Trivia
Why I Hate Women: Part 6 of 7,893
Dear Haters, Why Do You Love Me So Much?
First of all, I love all these women who feel the need to visit this site just to slam men. Listen, you want to slam men visit a man hating site–douche! Now that this is out of my system, I would very much like to touch upon an epidemic that is not talked about in our society. It affects entirely poor and working class guys. It is the epidemic of “accidental” pregnancies by their conniving bitch girlfriends. I have lost track of how many of my male friends have become unexpected fathers even though their girlfriends were supposedly on birth control.I am over 40 and I have counted at least two dozen suspicious conceptions of women were supposedly on birth control.
If men would be duping women into becoming unwilling mothers, there would be talk shows, books, community talks, college courses, marches, discussion groups about it. My advice to young men, especially high school guys–always wear a fuckin’ condom. And bring your own condoms. I don’t care if she says that she is “protected” Do not the trust the bitch!
Keep whining.
So much whining on these comments. “My wife divorced me” “My girlfriend did this and look at me now” “Some random girl at the store” wah wah wah. Talk about blaming someone else for your own problems and shortcomings. And they say women are whiners.
I hate women from the heart of my bottom!
And your ass killed you.
Society was better served when women were the property of men! Sooner or later someone is going bomb us back to the stone age, forcing women back into their natural role as wife and mother. Simply and naturally, this is where women belong!
Yeah, this kid needs therapy.
Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 straight days and doesn’t fucking die.
hahahah thats hilarious.
Like you?
Hate them too…women are worthless. They think they deserve to drive the most expensive, nicest newest cars (Yet they can’t drive, AT ALL) – and they just gotta have a big SUV. Why? God knows…they eat gas, they’re harder to drive, they’re hideous, and dumb women everywhere want them. They can’t put the G-D cell phones down, every woman I see is on a cell phone or playing with one – got to entertain their tiny brains in some way. They buy stupid looking clothes that make them look retarded and think they don’t look stupid (Like UGG-ly boots – the only brand of boot that expresses what I think when I say the name: UGGGGGG!). They have attitudes and think they’re better than everyone else, even though they’re probably some of the worst human beings around. I see the sluttly cheerleader types that need so much attention they just expect people to look at them.
Nope, I full on HATE women. I’m not gay, but I have a hard time finding a woman that I’d like. Each day I see them, I feel stronger with the “Stay in the kitchen and make me a sandwhich” attitude. You worthless women, we don’t need you. Without us, you would be lost. Nothing would get fixed, nothing would get done, the world would collapse. Cooking food and having babies is what you do, get over it. It was a sad day when we let women vote, I tell you what…women are entirely too pea-brained to be allowed to vote for anything…
It takes an intelligent man to find a good woman….
True, because its so damn hard to find a good one.
What a perfect little assembly of pathetic, loudmouthed fools. Human idiocy (which you all display so very well) never has and never will be confined to race, gender, who you fuck, or who your god is. We’re all humans and we’re all stupid, read a history book or just look around. We all act the fucking same. Wake up and smell the shit on your own upper lip. Humans are humans. All of this fingerpointing at women, blacks, Jews, whatever, it’s all the same stupid shit to keep you distracted from your own ugliness. And you all think you’re so enlightened and fucking special. Men are responsible for the significant majority of wars and atrocities in human history, and we have the audacity to think women are inferior to us? This is fucking hilarious.
Behind every evil man, there is an evil woman who made him that way.
Inside the mind of Anonymous is ignorance and stupidity.
Not that i’m condoning ever women bashing comment on here, but your conterpoint makes no sense. Of course men have been the ones responsible for wars. They were in power! It’s a proven fact that women as heads of state,(cleopatra, queen elizabeth, what’s her name in isriel in the 70’s) were just as, if not more violent than their male counterparts. Absolute power corrupts absolutly. My own personal(from experiance) cast down on women today, at least american women, is that they want all the same rights and oppertunities as a man, which would be fine, but only if they feel like it! If not its still your responsibility to take care of they’re every need and problem. TALK ABOUT THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
Get a therapist, obviously anon.
Women are soo fucking stupid it leaves me awstruck, and not to mention how merciless they are. God Forbid should you ever need their aid. There’s not too much difference from a 2 year old child and a 40 year old woman. Both throw tantrums, and yes sir they are inferior b/c they have not exercised any type of methodologies of integrity, honor, or true love for themselves or for any body else. The sad part is though I may have lusted for many woman. I have never ever truly fallen in love with 1 single one of them… Fuck them
Yeah, Chris needs therapy.
Amen brothers! amen! I agree, I hate women too! I’ve lusted after a few but after my latest experience I really started to grow more and more annoyed with their self righteous ways. You guys know what I hate most? (Well one of the things) is how they expect everything to be done on their schedule, for example I met one and made the foolish mistake of trying to become friends or possibly even enter a romantic relationship with her, anyways she said she’d call me the next day if she was still going to invite me over to hang out…voila! 2 days later and she’s fucking ignoring me…the FUCK is that shit?! she acts all interested then she dosen’t even respond to my message on Facebook to let me know whats up. FUCK THAT
Thats only one example of why i hate women…
dude, the first thing is that having a facebook page as a man is just plain gay, it it a turn off for women. It is attention seeking at its best, so just women need that crap. Also she is playing head games, and the fact that you are falling for her games, shows you have more feminine traits than you think. Whilst I am not attmempting to insult you, just harden up and throw her out of your life. The next bus always comes if you miss one. If she replies, then you leave her for good. That is the way they will come after you, it never fails. We are men, we need to act like men, not pussies. Man up !!
Bruh. u are so freakin right. Female will prey on ur nice side and then spit your muthafuckin ass to the curb for something new and better. never trust them with 100%. i dont give a damn what she tells u, dont trust it.
Weslo, that’s the smartest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say. I’ve been through it myself and no I realize. Fuckin man up. They are ALL the same. No good women out there. Only bitches and hoes. Treat them as such.
All humans are the same, Brian the Ignorant Faggot.
Men can do the same shit women did.
So, STFU and go loll yourself.
When I say go “loll” yourself,
I meant go KILL yourself.
Go ahead, make fun of my spelling error.
It doesn’t matter.
You are just an inferior being of the human race.
Men also did the same, Weslo.
Just like mark, Weslo is a pussy and full of ignorance.
Men like him will prey on ur nice side and then spit your mothafuckin ass to the curb for something new and better. Never trust them like Weslo with 100%.
I don’t give a damn what Weslo tells u. Don’t trust it.
Jerryjet: Right on! I’ve had 68 years worth of that shit and it never changes!
Mark is not a man.
Just a pussy who hates women.
Mark, man up and kill yourself.
And I hope this poor faggot kills himself.
You pathetic little boys make me laugh. You know men who talk all this crap are insecure and probably have a tiny sausage. Bob is right, we’re the ones who started most wars and killed millions of innocent people. With all the crap happening around the world and that men have caused, you’re more concerned about petty s***, like how a girl dresses or how they talk about each other. You little weak wusses make us men look bad. Did you forget that you had a mother who gave birth to you and took care of you? Those who have a deep hate for women for being human, just like us, should go live in some island and live happily ever after with their closet gay friends. So say we don’t need them? I’ll bet you still live in your mommy’s basement and can’t live without her. Man up and act like a real man, you worthless little cry baby wusses!!
Hey little Joey … let me tell you something if you care to read?? First of all, not every man was raised by their mommies … or live in their mom’s basement. You sound like you had a great relationship with some women in your life and so have I at times. The fact of the matter is … women are just very complicated and difficult for some men to understand. Some men are educated on the subject at hand; whereas others are just dumb rednecks; however, everyone is entitled to their opinion in this world .. or at least in North America. In any case, I am just tired or should I say very tired of apologizing for being a man in this rude, fucking society!!! I work with a lot of women every day and I have to act gay at my job to survive!! I bet you would live in your mother’s basement before me … I lived in a fucking homeless shelter last night … and it doesn’t change my way of thinking!!! So Fuck OFF!!
Johnny b bad…
Did you kill yourself already?
Both very interesting and insightful opinions. yes men are superior and women are worthless! Yes it is true men start all the wars and bring about destruction, but that is a blemish on men not an excuse for women. It is men who drive all the technological breakthroughs and it is men who sit around thinking about how to make the world a better place. Woman dont do a damn thing except raise babies. And yes I love my mother to death! she is the most precious and most valuable woman in the world, and after her its my sister who I love with all my heart. Besides them, all other women can go to hell because they sure dont care what happens to me or any of you for that matter.
You don’t give a crap about them, so why should they care about you? Hey, without women raising and caring for thier children none of us would be inventors or discovering new things. We’d be begging in the street for scraps and dying an early age. Give them some credit and some respect. My mother raised her children on her own because my father decided he didn’t want to be married and raised kids anymore, so he abandoned us. My mother was the one that was there for us and made sure we had a food on the table and a roof over our head. All this and still some insecure, little wee wee idiots got the audacity to call women worthless. Maybe you and your other women hater buddies can go live off an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean and see how well you do.
For a man who has it all you sure like to let us know how great you are on a website instead of fucking your girl. Iearned alot about you just from a few comments. I met alot of you kiss ass manginas to know that your girlfriend is peeking over your shoulder giving you the empty promises of sex while you make these comments and give her the power you once had before you carry her shopping bag. It’s no wonder women have more rights then men, you are a slave to your own stupidity and anatomy.
And Cpsclock 3 is a slave of his own stupidity.
Wow-everyone was being overly honest on here-
Just wanted to say when it comes to relationships-men and women both fuck up
when it comes to trying to date women and bitches- – and this is why people call the bitches- – it is a simple fact- this is why you have to dress nice to impress-. your not dressed up to impress the waitor, or anyone in the room- you are dressed up to make the woman feel important-
– this is why i think lots of guys hate women- – and i can’t blame them
-but men have some similar traits too= we just get call them assholes
-but because i am a man i see things as women are pissing me off on purpose-which simply isn’t the case.
I hate women so FUCKING much!
Like you?
Feminism has ruined America and destroyed the American family. The traditional family is the strenth of America in every way . Think about it. Raise good Children they become good people. I think thats why so many women now a days act like little deviant kids, because they grew up with no man in the house, watching their Father be bashed by society and mother. Its actually terrible because alot of young men are missing out on what life could be with real women. I also feel bad for young males in colleges, I see they are making the college campus very fem friendly, where they are making it un friendly for males. God i would hate to be going school in these times.
All women have descended from a succubus. Not one woman on this planet is worthy of mercy. Why is it so hard for them to just accept the free ride through life that so many men offer? All they have to do is give orgasms, cook, and clean. In return? They are given EVERYTHING. Money, a car, a life, clothing, jewelry, children (Despite not being a desire of many men). It’s absolutely ludicrious how much power they have, without even realizing it. Women in divorce courts? Automatic victory. No matter how atrocious and vile they are, all they have to fucking do is cry, and they win. They win the kids, they win the child support, they win the house, they win the car….
Whose life revolves around purchasing shiny objects for the wrists, fingers and neck…or to carry cosmetics in??? It’s not based on their comfort, functionality or quality, but because some gay, feminine clothing designer decided these things should be in style. WAKE UP!!!
Why is it having a nice body is enough to put a woman in a situation where men drool over her and try to proove themselves in order to get a number and, then try to proove themselves over the phone to maybe a date in order to try to say all the right things at the right time in order to advance to the next step? When has having a nice body ever gotten a man this sort of treatment??!?
He has to be tall, he has to have a “bad ass”/dangerous feel, he has to be quirky, he has to be wealthy, he has to be…blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH (that’s all we hear when you talk about your worthless lives by the way)
Trying to be smartass? Epic fail.
90% of the shit that has happened in my life is solely contributable to women (I’m almost 50). I am not in a relationship now and haven’t been for some 15 years. Why? Because women are so fucked in the head it beggars belief. See what the comedian the late Sam Kinnison said about his girlfriend, truly fuckin’ stupid. Fucking bitches always want it their way or no way at all, and when it doesn’t suit, they run to the courts. Truly, if it wasn’t for the furry thing between their legs, you would fuckin’ feed ’em! Whether working with them, socialising with them or just having to talk to them, basically, they’ve got shit for brains. Fuck off sluts.
And what happen to you, old boy?
You got fucked off.
Get a therapist, Brad the Slut.
I don’t like women either I enjoy seeing them naked but what a headache they give to me they always are hitting men and critisising them for their inperfections actually women are the ones that goes more crazy to react I better stay alone then live with a fucking ho!! we aslo respect them more and they don’t respect us as much as we do….. and they keep telling stuff like oh no i cannot accept he said that for a stupid thing and start saying do men think we afre stupid… and I see more women insulting and hitting men more than men do to them we deserve respect toooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is actually women who like to put men down I think we should go back to those days were they stayed at home without a job for them to respect us more!!!!!!!!!!!
Kid needs therapy. Nobody respect this cunt,
I’m a chick and I fucking hate women too.
Get a therapy, then.
I am a very sensitive women- and i get alot of bad energy directed to me from ‘jealous’ women- whether they throw it at me on a verbal or psychic level, it still disturbs me quite alot.
Even though i have had a ‘rocky road’ with some men in my past,- i am not bitter towards them like other women are (or the ignorant feminist/man haters should i really call these women!)
And i absoluteley agree with some men when they are upset and say that women play head games with them, and treat them like scum, and dont respect them- because i have heard stories from women who have done just that with men!- they are nasty, use their feminine ‘prowess’ to try and ensnaire a man, but are not actually in love with him at all- so makes me wonder what they are doing with him at all in the first place!…….
There are good women out there though, just as there are good men out there to.
I personally think women have been programmed in a certain way in our modern society to act somewhat like ‘whores’ or prostitutes in the hope that this will get them a man- as now days sex sells and is all around and women get very insecure and degrade their true nature which was orginally that of a nurturer/mother/divine goddess/inoocent child,….and have turned themselves into a product of our messed up society and many women have now switched on their’illusion’ TWISTED nature and become the opposite archaetype of their true nature, and have turned into the’whore/feminist/prostitute’…etc,etc…….and this is the corrupt evil message that alot of women seem that have THROWN into their face everyday by this modern day world, which tells them this is how they have to act to get a man…VERY VERY TWISTED INDEED!
And then we wonder why both MEN and WOMEN are getting increasingly fed up and frustrated with one another….i feel that somehow this illusion can not go on anymore and people need to WAKE UP!……
Its telling that women are both wonderfully perceptive and naively innocent enough to comprehend and have empathy for the motivations of male misogny, while men are comparatively uncritical with regard to evaluating female grievances against them.
As someone already said, there is nothing worse than a male bitch.
“Studies had shown that females predominated among high-IQ blacks. One study of blacks whose IQs were 140 and up found that there were more than five times as many females as males at these levels.”
“What’s undeniable is that tens of thousands—more likely hundreds of thousands—of women and girls, ranging from very young children to elderly grandmothers, have been raped or gang raped; in the course of these assaults, their sexual organs are often shot at, stabbed, speared, or ripped apart. The pain is unimaginable; the damage, both emotional and physical, is forever; as one Congolese woman told Human Rights Watch, ‘My body has become sad.'”
“For three years of service — the average — a comfort girl [in fascist Japan] was raped 7,500 times.”
“Female students are ahead of men in almost every measure of UK university achievement, according to a report from higher education researchers. Women also outnumber men in high status subjects, such as law and medicine.”
“In 16 countries across the world, female grad rates surpass males, while men earning degrees outnumber women in only six industrialized countries. In the U.S., the imbalance is most prominent among blacks, Mortensen said. In 2000, black women earned twice as many bachelor’s degrees as black men.”
“They Raped Every German Female From Eight to 80.”
“Doctors at a hospital in Qalat, capital of Zabul Province in southern Afghanistan, are treating a brutally tortured woman whose husband cut off both her ears and nose, broke her teeth and shaved her head only three months after their marriage. The victim, 16-year-old Nazia, is also suffering from psychiatric distress due to her experience.”
“Another woman [in Afghanistan] has tried to kill herself three times to escape the abuse of a man who often chained her to a wall, setting her free only when it was time for her to cook.”
“14.8% of women were victims of rape at some point during their lifetime; 2.8% of women were victims of attempted rape at some point during their lifetime.”
“The number of prostitutes in the world is estimated at 40 million…”
“More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing.”
@Jake…Surely you realize your propaganda no longer works, neither does shaming language, but lets start with this qoute from you…”Studies had shown that females predominated among high-IQ blacks. One study of blacks whose IQs were 140 and up found that there were more than five times as many females as males at these levels”
Heres a link to the differences in mens and womens brains… Now the last sentence of the first paragraph states…”This does not suggest that due to the larger brain, males are smarter than females.” This statement directly contradicts your statement and the premise of the entire article itself that brain size does matter and is a direct correlation to intelligence which shows the all pervasiveness of feminist misandry. If you actually visit the site you’ll also notice it is the differences in the brain that prove conclusively men are smarter and this is the reason men have invented and built everything, all science, math, art, literature, everything. Further women mature faster and stop maturing mentally and emotionally at 20 years old and men continue to mature until 30. Women mature faster and men mature further, these are known facts yet political correctness silences the truth of the ages.
The acedemics you speak of women dominating are psuedo-sciences of humanities, human resources, pop-psycology, womens studies, holistic studies. Everyone of these is made out to be something that has relevance and is needed by society yet every society that has incorprorated these into their social fabric is decaying by leaps and bounds. In the 50s america was #1 in education but feminists didn’t like the fact men scored higher across the board so the cirriculum was altered in their ever expanding goal of an equality. By doing so children now graduate high school reading at grade level 10, everyones score dropped. They then started the new math and again everyones score dropped, they figured if they couldn’t get girls scores to go up they’d settle for everyones going down. We are now ranked 31st in reading and math and we don’t even count in hard sciences.
As far as your pathetic rape statistics goes I’ll just give you these to links… and…
The fact is as can be seen with the Julian Assnage case rape is when a man excercises sexual freedom. When a woman excercises sexual freedom she is praised.
Men, heres what you need to understand, women are not the same as you no matter what the politically correct left would have you believe. Theres the only 3 things you need to know. #1) When a woman gives you a hard time you have to tell her that her behavior is unacceptable and to cut the crap. Basically, she unknowingly does this to see if you’ll put her in her place, if you don’t she’ll find someone else who will. She simpy can’t help herself, it’s her nature, she needs to be sure you’re stong enough to protect her so she’ll periodically give you shit tests. #2) Since women emotionally mature to around age 20 using logic is pointless, their whole world revolves around emotion and they therefore need structure. Tell her what to do, if she asks about something s for the house she’s shopping for dont say, “I don’t care or whatever” tell her specifically what to get and if it’s the wrong thing send her back. If she says “I have to do everything around here” give her something else to do, she might kick and scream about it but whatever she says she means the opposite. (its just another shit test). #3) Tease her (in good nature of course) about her cooking, cleaning, shopping…everything. Women loved to be teased. Follow these rules to a happy and healthy relationship.
NWOslave is a nigger slave by his own stupidity.
No woman could ever feel the lonliness and rejection that we have to put up with. All they have to do is sit around, look pretty and wait for us to do something. I wish they could feel one moment of my misery- they couldnt handle it!
I don’t hate women, but I do hate the way many women are pretty much encouraged to marry a guy and completely depend on him, even if it means he works himself to death.
You guys hate women? Tough.
We will always rule you. We will always be better than you. You will always be our slaves.
So have a nice day.
Jesus, did I forget to mention fucking delusional. That would be the day when women are better than men. Here’s a tip SexyBitch, get off the drugs now, though, if you did die, that’d be one less fucking idiot we’d to feed. 15 years and counting of being women free, and every day is a blessing. Truly, the comments that you have attracted, you deserve. I have never married, never will and I used women as much as you may think you have used men. I thank God that one day I had an epiphany and thank Christ I did. Now that I have come into money the chances of me allowing a woman back in my life are extemely remote, if not non-existant. Besides, if you don’t care about men and their feelings, then what the fuck are you doing on this site in any case. As I’ve said before, women truly are fucked in the head and SexyBitch you must be the Queen Bee. Good luck later in life, you can visit this site again and reflect on what a fucking moron that you truly must be! Do us Aussie men a favour, never travel down under, we have enough of your kind here now and one more would be an overload. And fellas, the sooner you wake up to this kind of shit, the better off you’ll be, trust me.
Brad of Oz,
The worst human being to ever walk the earth.
Did he kill himself already?
Maybe… until you pass beyond the ideal breeding range, at which point you will be traded in for a younger model with more tread on her tires. Consequently, when you are single, alone and surrounded by cats you will realise that no man gives two shits anymore about your wrinkled, festering, abhorent body -a nice personality and appreciation for men (in your younger years) might have saved you this fate.
Alas, it is appropriate to quote a most excellent MALE writer (as it is men who have created almost every comfort you enjoy today) named Primo Levi :
“Remember the drowned and the saved, lest ye fall into the gray zone.”
Enjoy the life your histrionic attitude will bring, with men looking upon you enveloped in shades of GRAY….
so true. enjoy your looks, while u got ’em. we’ll use them up for 10 yrs, and then get a new model. enjoy it!!!
I’m a 27 year old dude who really sucks with women,and yet is some guy who hates
women so fucking much. I hate certain women who ignore me,I hate my mom (secretly),and I hate my sister (secretly). My mom thinks that I have stupid on my forehead,she thinks that I would follow Islam by getting married,I hate religion. And my sis? She is the reason why I am still living at home,I could have moved out along time ago,but her ass fucked it up. Certain women,they have been brainwashed to like and to date dudes who are really predictable and liberal,dudes who are black,if not white. These women are fucking retards and bigots. They are liars who think that they are that fucking good (imo).
Like you?
*My mom thinks that I have stupid written on my forehead,
Because you are stupid.
And a retard.
The world does not need you, idiot.
Alot of the times,I am really nice to women,it’s like they they are against me
with non-existent evidence. If humanity wasn’t so caring,I’d beat the shit out of
certain women. And/or maybe cut off their fucking cunts and tits,before seeing their heads on sticks. Their gender and size isn’t the reason why I want to hurt
them,and they aren’t why I’d hurt them. It’s all about logic and a lack of acceptable conduct.
Wow, such a disturbing freak.
An inferior fag of the human race.
We should cut his balls, dick, and nipples from his body.
Then we kill this sorry little cunt.
Women need to realize that they aren’t perfect and that they aren’t God’s gift to
men. They can lie to themselves and hide the truth all they want,but it’s too late
for them to make fools out of us guys who are fed up with their fucking bullshit.
If hell really exists,I hope that they go there,or somewhere else,a place that
we don’t know about.
Hell exists only for you.
A fool like Saad should just kill himself.
Nobody, not even men, ever needs him.
Women DO realize they are not perfect. A lot of them actually think they are inferior to men. A lot of them are very insecure about themselves. I would also go so far as to say some women find it difficult to respect men, who respect them. All in all, women in general are in a tough situation. I do not find them less smart than us, just focused elsewhere and lacking the hormonal disposition to be stupid enough to think they are great. We can do that 🙂
So, even though I find a lot of their behaviors appalling, it is hard for me to hate them knowing how tough it is for women. Simply put – they think they are inferior, weak, need to manipulate in order to get anything because they do not truly deserve it, cannot afford to abide by notions such as “honor” and “fair” because they are weak, etc., etc., etc.
Both sexes suck and rule at different things, we can actually compliment each other.
But yeah, it’s very easy to hate women. They certainly do not make it easy not to 🙂
Too bored to read your shit.
I am a women. I hate all women!!! They are stupid fucking cunts. I hate the bitches who try to control their husbands. My (adopted) mom she is a whore her first marrage only lasted two weeks because she cheated on him with married man! A Friend of my husband his wife jusst woke up one day and decided she wasn’t happy anymore so she up and left him, but less than a week later she was spotted with another man. So I am sorry but all women are whores! I also hate the bitches that once they get a ring on their finger they go all ape shit and become the damn queen of sheeba! My God that is when it seems like women act like animals, it’s stupid! If there are women out there who have kids and have no idea who the father is, Ladies wake up if you have that problem you need to seek some serious help! My (biological) mom was a whore too she had an affair with a guy that was from the churc we used to go to and she wound up pregnant with his kid after she lied about having her toobs tied! I wish women didnt have boobs or pussys I think we would be alot better off!!!
You need help.
I wish I had a better relationship with females in general … mother, sister, aunts, grandmother, and other women of no relation. To be honest, I’ve never had a good relation with any of them. Women always came first and men came a distant second. I work with tons of women and I try to avoid them at all costs. I’ve dated several women in the past and slept with many as well … 15 to be exact. I never liked any of them … I had to pretend to be nice and kind and listen to their bullshit to get in the sac with them. They weren’t any good at fucking either … so I guess the work I put in was for nothing. I wished I had a better outlook on females though. I wish I could find one where I could talk to her and be her best friend, but I know that will never never happen. I am 32 years old and I figure .. I should have met someone by now!! I’ve met nothing but users and bitches!! So why should I worship women any longer??? I even try to avoid women and don’t even speak politely to them anymore … I won’t even send a smile thier way … I am so emotionally scared by them and wish I could change, but I know it will never happen! I feel so fucking ripped off in this bullshit life and I have so much more life to live. I know I’ll be spending life alone and wish I could change my way of thinking!! I hate men and women equally to be honest … the only problem is … I am still attracted to females … I wish I wasn’t attracted to anyone!
Kid needs therapy.
I hate women for the EXACT same reasons listed here! I was also excluded by one particularly awful girl when I was in grade five, treated badly by popular bitches in high school and encounter 40-60-year-old women at work who haven’t changed a tad since those days! Very sad!
Anyways, thankfully, I have found some cool, smart, decent women who aren’t so crazy and obsessed with drama and idiotic gossiping! Thank God!
Pauline, please tell me! Where did you find those women! I’m a young woman and I have such a hard time keeping female friends, I just don’t associate with their way of thinking! An I’ve had a hard time with all the bullying and everything as well. Where did you find those cool smart women???
I have only ever met a few women that I really liked and would like to have as friends but unfortunately, it’s always women who do not have the time or don’t really see why they should befriend me.
Women ah! they never think other than them being always so right and god help you if you need their help they will taunt you to death and regret your decision for asking help they can never change…….they are so annoying :s :@
Kid needs education. Very ignorant.
you guys are pathetic, girls are much more advanced than we will ever be, their minds, tactics and methods of ruling over us are too good
stop trying to win and shut up
i have the cutest girlfriend ever, she loves me and i love her
we both respect eachother and she always makes me feel worthy,
she never uses me for her own pleasure, we do everything equally
so that is all
have fun in ur saad saad loveless lives 🙂
dont w0rry shes just with u till she finds someone better.
According to your logic your girlfriend is far more advanced in the tactics of manipulation than yourself. How could you ever be sure she really loves and respects you? She could be using you and blowing some guy named Tad on the side because they used to fuck back in the day.
It is so obvious that some dumb bitch wrote this pretending to be a dude. With in your own post your contradict yourself (just like a dumb little girl would). You named your self guy?
’cause thats what guys refer to themselves as! So smart and advanced. You really thought of everything!
In a way, I feel bad for a gender that has to resort to mind tricks and manipulation to get what they want. Obvious physical inferiority must really get to women over a life time. When I want something I go and get it. Because I don’t have to piggy back on someone else to get it for me.
It’s like someone who grows up so desperately poor that they have to learn how to steal to get what they want rather than earn it.
You sound like such a tool my friend! I don’t know who you are, you could be a girl/woman writing/pretending to be a guy. I don’t know and don’t care a whole lot! Anyway, if you really are in love with a female, I doubt she feels the same. I agree with the other comments posted. She is more than likely just keeping you on a string until someone else comes along. I can tell that you are new in relationships because you give too much credit to women and consider yourself/men to be so much lower as human(s). She obviously can sense your desperation and experience. Trust me, don’t go out and buy the diamond ring just yet. In other words, take your head outta your ass, you pussy whipped piece of shit! Have a nice day!
that’s great! but just remember rule #1: no matter how cute she is, no matter how happy she makes you, some guy, somewhere is sick of her shit. 🙂 Have a nice day!
LOL@”girls are much more advanced than we will ever be”
Hmm…really? Last time I checked, wasn’t Democracy & all forms of government created by men. Look at who created the computer & rocket that made us win the Space Race. It wasn’t women. Look at who created peanut butter, the light bulb, the car, & even your precious cell phone & iPod. THEY WERE ALL MEN.
“Much more advanced”? Oh please. The only thing women are much more advanced in is bitching & nagging more than us.
I’m only 20 years old and i might be too young to hold any grudges or hate women but from what i have experienced from my 3 year serious relationship that it was always about her it was never about how i feel about something, It was all about her and i swear to god i did so much for her, Would go to work with her everyday in busses and train everyday only because she wanted and when she got bored she left me.
It’s not that i hate her for leaving me its her life but i just think that trusting a woman is like trusting a snake. all of there actions are based on feelings and logic has nothing to do with it. So i’m just gonna treat woman like shit from now cuz the bottom line is there are all dumb whore
I am 31 years old today. When I was 25, I was in the best shape of my life. I was confident, good looking, and had really no grudges for the opposite sex or anyone for that matter. I was very athletic, took martial arts, kickboxing, played varsity soccer in university, kept a healthy, athletic figure, ect. I must have went out with at least 2 or 3 different ladies a month. I would just approach them and ask them out for drinks. Most were older … 30s and 40s, ect. I never made a second date with any of these so called women. I often paid for the date, made the arrangements, and followed up with phone calls to meet again; however, most blew me off, said they had boyfriends, changed their numbers, ect. Maybe I was too nice on these dates, too young, not sure what went wrong. I finally went out with this one Hooters girl who was latin and grew up in the same neighbourhood. She was very high maintenance and I really thought she liked me. My father always told me that she was too old for me and that she was just keeping me on a string until someone else came along. I didn’t believe him, until I saw her with some tall, bald headed dude outside her house. I walked up and rang the doorbell and she came out and talked to me. He stayed inside because I would surely have kicked his ass or made a scene. I told her that I really liked her and she just said “Okay?” and I walked home. Never heard from her again. After so many experiences of bad dating and putting up with women at my job, I really don’t have anything good to say about them anymore. Some might say I am a loser and whatever, but I don’t care what anyone says … I just try to get through the day with them and if they smile at me, I just look away. I work out a lot now, and I figure that if I look really good and keep in great shape and excel at my job, I figure that it is their loss. I might die alone, but at least I won’t have to put up with the emotional bullshit that I went through! Good riddance!
wow that is a sad story but you know what they say. The best revenge is success, so while you accomplish your goals they will marry some jerk that will probably leave them the week after.
men raise children too, why does everyone forget that. fathers are just as valuable as mothers. in fact studies show that children raised by single mothers end up worse off and commit more crime than children raised by single fathers. Fathers supply the money for the food the mother cooks and gives the kids. Yes my mother raised me more so than my father, but without my father my mother wouldn’t have been able to afford a house never mind raise me. I will never forgive the inherit stupidity and purposeful ignorance women seem to enjoy so much. A great example – a friend of mine works at A&W when a new girl started. She was looking(or more so wasn’t looking) for the button on the till for apple pies. Without even glancing at the till to look for it, immediately asked someone else. To which they said it’s right there *pointing*. She replies again “where?(derrrrrr me stupid”. You basically have to take a womans face and shove it into the button or press it yourself. They are just too simple minded to or high on themselves or something, to do anything themselves. The computer might freeze, and in the manuel on the first page in big bold letters it will say “if computer freezes – do so and so”. They won’t open the manual, they’ll get you to do that. once you open it and realize its right there, you understand truly how stupid/lazy they are. I’m not a mangina or a nice guy, I don’t give a shit about even interacting with women. I don’t cater to them I don’t even look at them, not worth it. I only have the biological need like everyone else to have sex with them but even that feeling quickly leaves when I remember what pieces of crap they are! ha ha. hilarious.
Let “ME” count the ways…
They tease use guys by dressing sexy and flirting, yet they never put out…now this is why we have serial killers…some guys have had enough and they take out their anger on women. The FBI interviews many of they for research but can’t find out what makes them “tick”…come on guys, open your eyes. I drive a Semi Truck for a living and I see all women tailgating me and driving like fools, I would love nothing more than to slam them into the wall at 90 mph. But I can’t, they are not worth the price I would have to pay for doing such an act. They don’t even use turn signals for big trucks but will use them for empty lanes and other cars, but not us. Do they think that “WE” truckers don’t notice? Guys do the same thing too, “WE” truckers make this United Staetes “RUN”. Yet, we get no respect…I would love for all the bigrigs to shut down for a month and just sit back and watch the caos…lol. To hell with all you foks that hate us….when you are broke down by the side of the road in BFE, I will be the one who drives by and waves at your sorry ass…that goes especially for women, you want to be treated as “Equals” well act like it then for Christs sake, fix your own flat tire and crap…We don’t need YOU…all women are is wasted money, the chance of disease and/or getting pregnent and the drama too boot…I don’t know about you but I can do without it…
Sorry for some spelling errors, I was drunk when I wrote this.
It’s possible this blog entry has pushed me one step closer to serial-killerdom
@Dragon: A drunk trucker? You sir, are full of win.
I’m a college student & I HATE women!
It seems all they are into is drinking, clubbing, & fucking all the jocks
I fucking hate it! They are so manipulative & will discourage someone over the most dumbest of reasons.
They will only ‘love’ a guy if he’s hot or rich. I know I’m no Tom Hanks, but I know I’m not bad looking. Yet, us half-decent men are ignored by them like we are the worst thing in the world to them.
All I want is a good woman by side, but too many of them are either high-maintenance (by “high maintenance” I mean they will only love you if you buy them expensive gifts) &/or gold-diggers.
My relationship with women in general was never good, even as friends. They were always mean to me. Meaner than all the jocks that picked on me in grade school. I was nothing but nice to them, & they intend used my kindness to take advantage of me. I don’t understand why they are nicer to other guys & kiss up to them, while ignoring all the rest.
Stop talking out of your anus! Stop treating women like they are everything! They sense your weakness my friend! You are probably the one who starts to get real nervous around an attractive woman and will do anything to get her attention! When you are out at clubs with your buddies, don’t try as hard! Play a game of cards or something, shoot a game of pool, play darts, talk with your buddies, enjoy your booze! Holly shit man, life doesn’t circle around women and they can pick that up from you! Women have emotional radar! They can tell when you are feeling desperate! You see boss, most women just go out to clubs to socialize, get drunk, and dance with their friends. Most of them don’t intend on taking a dude home with them at the end of the night like us guys try to do! They play a whole different game then men! Why wouldn’t they? They are women! Don’t listen to your friends either! If you tell them what I am telling you, they will just tell you that you’re crazy and insecure, but they are just meat heads! Do you really think they care if you meet a woman or not? You have to change up your strategy because nothing else is working for you! Try giving up on women for a year or so! I promise that some chick will talk to you instead of the other way around! Relax and let it happen on its own! Good luck champ!
Bitch broke up with me after 2 years and 3 fucking months stupid cow just phoned me and told me that she “needed to get out” that fucking bitch!
For all you guys out there that want a laugh … watch a guy named Dick Masterson on Youtube … he’s awesome! He talks about how men are better than women and even has a website too! He has appeared on Dr Phil and Tyra Banks Show. He really sticks to his guns and defends the male role! Women attack him with their bullshit opinions and drama, but Masterson just sticks it in their asses! If you are ever having a bad day about some bitch, turn on Youtube and watch Dick! He’ll cheer ya up! Cheers fellas!
Dick Masterson is nothing more than a joke.
And so are you, jock fag.
The only reason I would need a women is to reproduce. Well fuck it that wont happen so I have no need for them. I wish we clone ourselves
Yep, women generaly suck, you can throw that honor and integrity that we men live by right out the window. Not only do men hate women, women hate women, the irony of course is that it was all brought on by their own actions.
I’m 44, I can’t begin to describe to you how many times women have dissapointed me, made probises that were completly blown off, I’m talking about the 30 or so women that I’ve slept with and the scores more that I tried to.
The only reason men deal with women is for the sex, I lost that pie in the sky romance crap before I was 20, and that’s really a shame. Reality for myself (and my friends) just didn’t bear it out.
What annoys me perhaps most about women is the way they will let a guy think sex is on the way and just play him for friendship, bitch, that ain’t friendship. I’ve fallen for that one at least six times.
My only consolation is that women know that men only talk to them for sex and that other women hate them, so in fact women are some of the loniest people on the planet, and they brought it on purely by themselves, and it will never change.
I guess that I should say that I hate the mental instability and the drama as well, but the integrity and honesty thing is what really makes me want to give up on them, but I can’t I need them for sex.
As one ex girlfriend said “You know what your problem is, you hate women but need them for sex.” To which I said, yea, almost all guys feel that way, they just won’t tell you because somehow it might screw up their presenty or future sex life.
Personally, I hate men and women equally! I have been in fist fights with men and tied up in dramatic bullshit with women! I really blame men for the way women behave! If it wasn’t for men kissing a woman’s ass every second of the day, women might actually lower their standards and treat men like human beings. Why in the hell do women go for the assholes? Because they don’t kiss and wipe the asses of women all day long like the nice dudes do every day! Maybe if you morons out there treat women like they don’t matter so much, maybe they just might respect you and I a whole lot more! Stop treating women like princesses and maybe they will actually respect you! Have a nice life!
Thanks for a great post. The examples ring true.
I’ve hated females since I was in elementary school. Most of the women and girls I knew growing up were either controlling and bitchy, self-absorbed drama queens, or manipulative back-stabbers.
I also noticed this type of female had a collective hatred for the few women who were genuinely kind.
It was a long, painful lesson to realize that female friends are seldom worth the effort. I’ve learned how to detect the phoney sweetness, right before they go in for the kill. I’ve given up trying to find real female friends, only to be ditched when she finds a man. I’ve tired of the endless obsession with weight, hair, and men. The petty jealousy, the groundless cattiness, the rumor spreading, the sabotage; it never stops.
Another issue I have is the oversexualization of women. There has been a complaint over the years about how women are sexualized and degraded in tv and movies. The problem has grown worse with time. If women didn’t allow themselves to be degraded for money and fame, this problem would cease to exist. This is another example of women playing the victim and using their sexuality to manipulate.
Until women are socialized differently, men must refuse to tolerate these poor excuses for women and take back their power against this despicable behavior.
Although I have used the term women and female interchangeably, there is a big difference. Being a woman is about character and class. Most women, especially western women don’t meet this standard.
Get help.
marry me.