That Time The World Just Made Sense

No, you’re completely right. That never happened.

It’s almost like my witty, overly-dramatic titles don’t even fool you anymore. I guess that could be a good thing, cus it means we’re getting past the honeymoon phase of our relationship, eh? But if we’re being honest, which I think we are, my mom never thought it would last.

First, I’d like to start by saying: Gentlemen, I feel your pain.

I am QUITE aware of how difficult it is to find witty, brilliant, beautiful, self-confident women in this world because I have been searching with eyes wide open. And let me tell you something, these eyes are really starting to hurt from all the wide-openness. They’re all dry and reddish and people are really starting to question the meaning behind the name of this website.

So it’s a good thing the search is over.

Two weeks ago, I packed up the convertible, put my hair in rollers and said, “Mom, I’m gonna go be a stewardess.” With Simon and Garfunkle playing in the background, I drove off to California with a mystery boy in a velvet shirt, leaving only my record collection behind for my little brother.

Nope. But what I did was EVEN BETTER.

I packed up my friend’s Honda, drove to Chicago with a very bad stomach ache, a very full bladder, a McCafe that I now refer to as “the mistake,” and a GPS that had lost its ever-loving mind to meet up with two of the most amazing women the universe has to offer!

The flood gates of heaven’s splendor have finally opened and I have discovered where the world’s coolest women have been hiding: behind the comments section of this blog. I’m pretty sure a small piece of Chicago exploded from all the awesomeness of our reunion. You can click here for Lola Lakely’s report on the night, and here for V from Uncorked.


As could be expected, we did all the normal things that girls do when they get together. There were super tight pj’s, pillow fights, feathers, kissy face self portraits, boy-bashing, singing into hairbrushes, and jumping on beds while listening to Madonna.

You know, the usual.


Or, we profusely mocked all of those things. I’ll let you decide which scenario actually happened.


I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been sulking in the sadness and the void that I feel without these ladies around.  Why do you think it has taken me so long to post a blog?

22 thoughts on “That Time The World Just Made Sense

  1. One day your Prince Charming will come, he just got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions!

    I was wondering why you were so quiet. Thought maybe you OD’d on Caked cupcakes or too many leftover pizzas…Better yet, lost in some deep thoughts or soul searching…Speaking of cupcakes and other goodies, I think I may make it down the Rockford City Market. Hope the rain holds off.

    ‘hitting the refresh button until something new pops up.’ Have you been reading my mail :))

  2. Pretty sad. Not one mention of the friend you came with. No…she is just another nameless face on the net.

    And I am not following you on FB. Well not this thing. I don’t know what that networked blog stuff will do with my info so I wouldn’t accept..hahaha

  3. bahahaha! that pic of you trying to get facebook to come up on the cell phone is hilarious. your expression is so distressed!! 🙂 great weekend.

  4. ” I packed up the convertible, put my hair in rollers and said, “Mom, I’m gonna go be a stewardess.” With Simon and Garfunkle playing in the background.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHA…you are too funny!

    Isn’t it the coolest thing to meet fellow bloggers? I’ve met two so far and the experience was better than I had imagined. Amazingly, they were both exactly how they wrote on their blogs.

    Great photos. You can tell you ladies had a faaaaaaaaaaabulous time!

    I have one question though…

    ….did you get drunk?


  5. You’ll have to excuse me for being entirely skeptical of your claims of finding “witty, brilliant, beautiful, self-confident women,” especially here in the midwest. I’m sure you understand.

    From the top pic, it appears that Lola had the most fun.

    I’m going to assume (hope?) that this weekend happened has at least helped brighten things up for you.

  6. Oh how I wish I could have been there!!

    And driving with a stomach ache whist drinking a coffee will always lead one down a dark, embarrassing path.

  7. Next time I’m in Chicago, you will have to come into town and meet me for a drink. That will mean I will have to actually get my ass to Chicago. Was thinking about seeing Chelsea Lately in concert since she’s not coming to Minneapolis.
    There are some really cool women bloggers out there. They just need to be found.
    Oh, I have an amazing photo on my latest post that I think you can appreciate. I love photography.

  8. Dearest Other Point in my Sordid, Naughty, Soul-Stirring Love Triangle,

    I can’t describe how honored I am that I am passed out in photo form on the top of your blog.

    The void is huge without both of you.

    I am going to go back to weeping uncontrollably now.

    Forever Yours,


  9. So when are you gonna come out and meet the favorite cartoonists in your life? You’ll recognize us. I’ll be the guy who constantly grows hair and Bearman will be the guy…well, the guy in a bear suit. Yeah.

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