Does it ever seem like you just keep running up against walls? No matter what way you go something unexpected happens and you find yourself in an endless cycle of spinning your wheels? And then the next thing you know, all the weeds have grown up around you and there’s just no way out?
Yea. Unfortunately, we don’t really have time to talk about that right now. But I am sorry you feel that way.
I mean, we are REALLY pressed for time. This whole blogging three times a week thing is cramping my style. But a promise is a promise. Except, of course, when you’re in a relationship cus then a promise is merely a meaningless statement you make to set the other person’s mind at ease.
At ease, Soldier.
I’ve got a meeting in an hour and I’m typing this in last night’s tshirt, yesterday’s frizzy hair, and some eyebrows that have seen better days. And by better days I mean, ones where you could distinguish me from Bert. I have leftover pieces of face mask and cake frosting on my chin,* and I’m just hoping that one of my long lost loves decides that today is the day he’s going to surprise me at my door. Cus that is pretty much how my life works.
*currently daydreaming about a face mask made of cake frosting.
So this picture. You know, the one of the car hitting the giant cement bricks that I cleverly used as a metaphor for the lives of people in their twenties and then siked you out by saying we weren’t gonna talk about it? Well, I took that yesterday. It was raining, which is when I get most of my creative inspiration, and I went for an aimless drive with my camera and my iPod. As I was driving through the not-so-desirable parts of town, I noticed alot of things that I thought were beautiful and interesting. So I decided to start a photo project called My City, As Seen Through My Car Window. If you are cool enough to follow me on Facebook, you’d already be abreast* to this fact.
Why my car window?** Well, partly cus I don’t want to get arrested for wandering around condemned places. Partly cus I don’t want to get my camera stolen, cus man, it’s pretty. So there was a lot of stopping abruptly in the middle of the road and making people very angry. This is nothing out of the ordinary.
*Again, I just can’t stop saying it.
**Unfortunately, today’s picture taking attempts resulted in the loss of my passenger side mirror. We’ll see how long this project lasts.
Go to Indigo Photography.
You go Brit!
rach – speaking of, i kinda miss coolio.
Love – again, the question is where have YOU been. apparently looking at too many naughty things so it shuts my site down.
J -yes. yes. and yes. I have made a mess of my 20s as well, however, i am still fearing 30. its a scary scary word. we shall lose our minds together, no worries.
violet- hey, missed you around here! aw, man, sorry to hear about your brick wall. there’s been alot of those popping up lately it seems. just know, you’re among friends my dear.
Ron- thanks so much for stopping by! aw, essential bastard, what happened to him?! gees, he gets a job and then drops off the planet. I miss his ramblings.
you’re cool-io
and i love the pictures
FINALLY!!! wtf have you been?? your funny words make my minute
Ah yes. A sentiment I know so well. If I could give back my 20s like I can give back a shirt that shrank in the wash with NO WARNING, I just might. These years have been HARD.
And yet…I’m a little afraid of 30.
That brick wall thing? Isn’t reserved for all y’all 20-somethings. A brick wall slammed me in my 45-year-young face yesterday and it’s gonna be a while before I can see straight.
The people behind Mrs. Doubtfire beat you to the cake frosting face mask thing. That is an excellent movie.
Love the photos, even though I’m seeing them through a haze of heartbreak and confusion.
I just found your blog over at The Essential Bastard, and I’m so glad I did. What a gifted writer you are! I also clicked over on your photo website and saw your photographs. Excellent!
I’ll be back!
why does the word ‘relationship’ make me break out in hives?
love- i couldn’t really answer that, i’m currently tending to my own rash.
Another post! I…cannot..believe it. If I were a dog, I’d be licking your face right now for this (or for your delicious cake’s a toss up). Keep ’em coming…Soldier (love that!) And the pictures too, you’ve got a good eye.
Hi. Found you via Lola Lakely and I’m enjoying your site (and your humor) quite a bit.
I wish I had more time to poke around now, but the work desk looks like the weeds in your picture. Must get it cleaned up before anyone notices I’ve been slacking off to read blogs.
Cheers. Back soon.
All I did in my 20s was study in law school, study for the bar exam, look for a job, and stay poor. I got this backwards. So now I’m hoping to just retire early and live out my 20s in my 40s. Unfortunately, my hangovers just keep getting worse as I get older, so by the time I’m 40 I’m pretty sure I might just die. Love you, Brit.
@ blunt delivery:
Yeah, me too. I miss his ramblings a lot. I talk to him every once in a while via email. I told him I’ll keep his blog listed on my roll for the day when he FINALLY returns.
Wow, great shots! I love the bottom one, so green and purdy. . . I’ve always wanted to do a project like that one, perhaps I should follow your lead. I really NEED to get back into photography for me, like, having nothing to do with my kids
P.S. what is WITH your neighborhood and the pretty doors?! I’ve seen more brightly colored doors in your photos than anywhere. Ever. Weird…
Ok, see, I’ve tried this whole take-a-picture-through-your-car thing and it so didn’t work for me. I get blur motion and all, I think it was because of my crappy camera.
I had a project that I wanted to for a photography class that involved me riding shotgun in someone’s car while I took pics of our city’s interesting landmarks. I couldn’t get crisp pictures, so I gave up.
I LOVE photographs like this. I’m on my way to check out your other stuff. Prepare for some ooh-ing and ahh-ing.
I would think that pictures through your car window would be blurry. Not because you are a bad photographer but b/c you are too lazy to clean your windows
I’ve been in my career for most of my 20s (god, has it really been 4 1/2 years already?), I guess karma decided I had slacked off enough through school that I need to make up for it now. (Although I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t slack off at work, because I do. Hell, I’m writing this comment at work.)
And I can’t arrive at your door, I don’t know your address.
You’re a brave soul for venturing to the special areas of your city for those pictures. I certainly wouldn’t do it, I heard cannibals live there.
I just finished taking a class in Digital Photography, so I know what you mean about taking pictures from your car. People aren’t as friendly as they used to be and they don’t seem to be the slightest bit pleased that you want to take their pictures either. That’s why I like to get all slunk down in the car seat and snap ’em all paparazzi-style!
Blogging three times a week… or once a week in my case… is way harder than it sounds.
OK, I have clicked that friggin photo to the point of RSI and I ain’t going nowhere
friggen – you’re absolutely right! it should work now. but you can always get to the photo blog by going to the “i take pictures” ad on my sidebar. SORRY! i’m an idiot!
taylor – i’m sweating bullets over here. it’s rough.
george – good for you! it will slowly take over your life. photography is addicting!
brandon – there you are! cannibals. quite possibly. i’ve seen some very, scary things lately.
Psst I use to take photos from my rear view window
I love the word abreast. LOL. And yeah, how you summarized life has always been my experience too. Just when you think, ah, I can take a breather, there’s a new problem, project or thing that pops up. Me, I’m trying to reduce my stressload these days. LOL.
I enjoy finding new blogs and you are it today.
The car looks too new to be abandoned. Probably has an interesting story.
A luggage rack with no luggage. Just wondering, is that like the Texas saying, “all hat and no cattle”?
Great. Another link to yet another very talented and very, very funny writer/photographer. Thanks, Bearman. This is the last one. I swear. That’s my blunt delivery. Creeptown was hysterical, and thank god I have none of those attributes, except very fast-growing hair, which is approaching mullet stage. Time for a good summer cut. Thanks for that. Great post!
Hitting walls… not so much fun… stepping over them –> AWESOME. Oh and very cute pictures! Love the link too!