This Blog Is The Next Heidi Montag

This blog is so vain. She probably thinks this post is about her.

Well, in this instance she is right.

You know what they say about plastic surgery: it’s addicting. And if anyone would know, it’s this blog, which has had three different looks in the past year. I told her she had better stop before she becomes the Heidi Montag of blogs, but it’s like talking to a brick wall.

So Blunt Delivery went through a little face lift with the help of my girlies over at caffeinateddesigns. I love them so much that I used an Asian Barbie for my twitter feed in honor of Cheryl. Cheryl is the Asian one. Jen is totally white. So technically, all of the other pictures are an homage to her. We’re still working out a few kinks on the site, so just settle down.

Okay guys, after much thought and consideration, I’ve decided to end this blog.

But then I thought about that one person who reads it every week and laughs at the tragedy that is my life, and I thought – I can’t do that to them – whoever they are. If they exist, and I’m 45% positive they do. So instead, I have decided to expand this blog’s horizons a bit.

I am a person who can’t sit still. But wait, don’t you spend like 12 hours a day sitting still in front of a computer, writing and editing and doing all sorts of things that the majority of the world despises?

Wow, you have quite the memory. Ever considered working for the CIA? I could get the details from Matt Damon. I guess when I say I can’t sit still I’m referring more to my mind. I always have five different projects going on. I am not satisfied unless I am learning something new. I’m one of those people who will see something they like, resolve it’s too expensive and then go home and learn how to make it. Follow me?

Historically, Blunt Delivery has just been a blog about my ridiculous life; but I am going to start incorporating other aspects of myself into this blog – because you know that I can barely keep up one blog much less a separate one for each of my distinctly different personalities!

The main reason I won’t quit this blog – besides all of the fabulous people I meet through it – is that it is the one place I can entirely be myself. And I need a place for all of the random stuff circling my head, or I might spontaneously combust.

I get a lot of emails/questions through my photo blog and I would like to start answering them here. I would like to simplify the technical stuff so that people can find the joy in this hobby, rather than the frustration. So, you will be seeing some different things here such as photography posts, tutorials, and random DIY decorating things . After the torture of learning how to use my first DSLR and Photoshop, I really fell in love with photography. Since I don’t do it for an income, it has become a great outlet for me and has allowed the ability to provide creative memories for my friends and family.

BUT I will never stop posting about my ridiculous life. How could I considering it is the Sears Tower of Ridiculousness?

I know many of you will have no interest in these things (as my readers are a 50/50 gender mix) and that is just fine! I will title them with strong warnings such as: PHOTO SHOOT: DON’T LOOK AT IF YOU HATE BABIES. That way you can easily skip over them! Always looking out for ya.

Oh, sorry, except for when I just slip baby pictures in there like that!

The jury is still out on whether or not this was borderline child abuse. Would this post be more interesting if I told you this is Kenny’s baby? Cus it is.

Here’s to hoping I’m not headed for the slammer,


53 thoughts on “This Blog Is The Next Heidi Montag

  1. Technically I’m only the barbies with brown hair. But i feel there are enough of them to mean you have to keep the blog alive…as a homage to me…and Asian Sunrise. And actually, I am a little Asian – ask my twin!

  2. My chest kind of tightened for a second when I read that line. I thought “Quit?! She CAN’T quit! I only recently discovered this amazingness, and it can’t end so soon!”

    So thanks for not quitting. *brow wipe*

    Also, that baby pic is beyond adorable, borderline child abuse or not.

  3. I think I might have you beat on the amount of face lifts our blogs have had because not only do I love a good makeover, but I’ve also changed names 3 times. (Although, I think this one is sticking like a piece of gum on the bottom of a shoe)

    I do like your new vision!

  4. You are the Queen of getting crap for free just for saying something nice on your blog so you can’t quit. First you get some free cookies, now a web redesign. You going to get everything paid for for the wedding (yeah I know you hate when I type things like “for” twice but deal)

  5. Sweet! Funny stuff AND photo stuff – what a combo! I can’t wait!
    Also, I’ve got 30+ years on that baby, yet I’m being out-spelled. And my blocks come with spell-check (although even spell-check can’t fix all my typos – my intended word hardly ever shows up). Hmmm…

  6. Well that works for me, cuz’ it means I can just make one stop. My fingers get SOOOO exhausted from all the clicking back and forth and such. Looking forward to it 🙂

  7. Holy shit, I almost DIED when you said you wanted to end this blog!!!!


    OMG…I LOVE the new look of this place. It’s faaaaaaabulous! And listen, I think it’s a great idea you’re adding different stuff to what you’re going to be sharing here. I mean why not? You know how to do so many things, so why not share it all on one blog? I’ve actually been thinking of doing something similar because of all my varied interests. I have THREE blogs with different topics and I’m thinking of how I could blend them all together into one.

    Anyway, I’ll be very anxious to read your posts on photography (and whatever else you share) because I have a huge interest in photo stuff. So, count me in, girl!


    • ron……….. i wouldn’t do that to my bestie! ronnnnnn you need to hurry up and learn photography then come do my wedding reception! along with my makeup, hair, and moral support. gosh, you’re gonna be busy!!

  8. I read the part about you ending this blog and my heart fell. Seriously. I think maybe I love you. We should talk about this.


    You are simply amazing at it.

    • j- you better not be saying that just like brad womack…. it would ruin my life.

      And thanks. I have a lot of people ask me to do photo shoots, just haven’t had much time to dedicate to it – so i just do it for fun when i can. but yea, i suppose i could if i actually focused on it.

  9. a little slice never hurt anyone, ahem, except joan rivers, maybe. just PLEASE tell me metro kenny & his chick weren’t trying to be all Katie Holmesish and change the S in Suri to a Z for Zuri. Pretty please? Or at least lie to me!

    Besides my above b*tchiness (I must be pmsing, cause I’m a girl), thank you for not getting rid of this site. I just found it and I may DIE of boredom without it. I may.

    • i’d be lying if i said that kenny didn’t have a resemblance to and small obsession with Tom Cruise. The baby’s name isn’t Zuri, that is just short for his full name. But yea, we all immediately equated it to Suri….

  10. What are all these other people complaining about? I’m the one person who still reads this that you can’t leave. Obvi. Step off, people.

    PS I get to keep “it is what it is” if you get to force me to look at baby pictures.

    • you’re right, nikki. i don’t know about this deal you speak of… seems kinda shoddy to me. you looking at cute picture of squishy little things and me having to slice my ears off from the horrible phrases being uttered.

  11. Hey don’t pull a Forrest Gump and just stop blogging in the middle of nowhere.
    Oh I hate (enjoy) to break this to you – they renamed the Sears Tower – Willis.

  12. My heart stopped a little bit when I read the first bit about quitting this blog. I find you endlessly entertaining, I’d be one sad puppy if this were no more!
    I’m much relieved that the quitting thing is not happening, and I’m not gonna lie – pretty pumped about photography overspill. I heart photography. I don’t put much effort into it, but I take 50 kabillion photos. I love to look at photos. Even if it’s photos of babies. Thumbs up to that!

    • oh stop yourself. i’d never do that to you! the one person who reads this!!! I”m excited about sharing the photo stuff too. i know it’s not up everyone’s alley, but they’ll just have to DEAL!

      • can’t please all the people, all the time! I mean, I just wrote a blog post on dog diarrhea. surely you’re readerS can handle some photography.

  13. Just as long as you don’t give your blog boobs a cup size over a vowel then I think I’m happy with it. Other than that….is Zuri a boy?

    P.s. Not really loving the name “Zuri”

  14. Okay Blunty…
    1) You gave me severe chest pains with that sinister joke about quitting the blog – don’t you ever do that to me again.
    2) I would be thrilled to see photography tips/tricks and DIY stuff too. Bring it.
    3) Did you ditch the blog roll?
    4) I like pizza.
    5) I couldn’t have ended at 4, cuz I know you don’t like that 🙂

  15. Ugh. I’ve been trying for two days to post a comment, but my computer is messed up. (Hopefully this works.)

    First of all: Dude, I am sooo excited that you are combining all of your awesomeness into one! Lately I’ve been OBSESSED with photography as well, and I’ve already spent at least an hour OCD’ing over your photos. Trust me, for someone with my non-existent attention span, that’s saying a lot.

    Second of all, Heidi Montag can’t hold a silicone-funbag shaped candle to your blog.

  16. Love the makeover. It’s good to shake things up here and there. Still noodling over that post for you. Like you my mind goes in too many directions sometimes to be contained.

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